
Currently, we live in a digitized world. Consumers use multiplatforms to buy products, research and sometimes buy online. The ease of having everything in the palm of your hand created the need for digital businesses that deliver the best customer experience possible.


The authentication of the Marketplace APIs is performed with the information of a pair of tokens in the header of requests. The following pair of tokens is expected with each request:

client_id:APP identification. Its generation occurs when the APP is created by the developer panel. Its value can be viewed in the Token column of the list of APPs and can be used both in Sandbox and in Production after the application goes through the approval process.

access_token: Identification of the access token, which stores the access rules allowed to the APP. Its generation occurs in two moments in the process of integration with the APIs.

Methods HTTP

Method Utility

The GET method requests a representation of the specified resource. Requests using GET should only retrieve data and should have no other effect.


Variation of the GET in which the resource is not returned. It is used to obtain metadata through the response header, without having to retrieve all content.


Sends data to be processed (for example, data from an HTML form) for the specified resource. The data is included in the command body.


In case you need to update a user's data, using the PUT method you can update them several times, as the PUT will overwrite the data with this, it will only have a single updated record.


The PATCH method is used to apply partial modifications to a resource.


Deletes the resource.


The OPTIONS method is used to describe the communication options for the target resource.
